Posted by: robertim | May 16, 2011

Dare to Dig Deeper

I like that title. It describes alot of things in life. I had no articles or updates today, but in all actuality, a lot of it is just due to stress. School is picking up fast, I’m being depended on more, and I am traveling too frequently. Anyone who really knows me knows I like to be in one spot for long periods of time. Its also been cutting into achieving my ab race goal. Few people realize just how much stress can contribute to making or breaking your goals. It especially doesn’t help when you know the research, and thus stress about how stressed you are…anyway, that is a post for a different day. Additionally, finding food kind of sucks. By now, I don’t sink into a carb-laden binge when I travel. Just an extra annoyance to deal with. And, my knee is still hurt. Its now to the point where I can walk up and down stairs, jump, and walk long distances, but I still end up pretty sore every night.

Stressors. On that note, they do force me to dig deeper and are a refreshing reminder of how capable I’ve become that I can handle everything without breaking down. Great coaches will often push their athletes to the limit, just so their athletes know what they are capable of: Life is a Great coach. Thankfully though, and the real reason I do not have a great post today, is I am away from almost all the stressors. Today is my little brother’s graduation from undergraduate at Seton Hall (wow…makes me feel older). Hence, I am away from the lab, from the hospital, from everything, and surrounded by family. It is a very effective way to deal with stress.

Anyway, the title of my post. I wanted to promote another site written by a friend of mine, Katie. It’s name is Dare to Dig Deeper (, and I see it becoming as valuable a reading source to me as the whole health source. Her current articles are definitely very intriguing, and will challenge your view of alot of different common health beliefs that more and more research are revealing as flat out wrong. Her writing style is definitely more refined than mine (I’m a lifter, not a writer, lol), and she has the sources to back it up. Already has made me reconsider adding milk (raw, organic) back into my diet just to see what happens to me. Another Body experiment, if you will. I look forward to her part two. I’ll be adding the site to the Blog Roll.

I’ll be on the road til about thursday. We’ll see if anything strikes my fancy to write about between now and then.

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