Posted by: robertim | May 13, 2011

Status Update: Where I’m at and where I’m going…

Its not always easy to think up something to post. My 3 day a week schedule is kind of rigorous for finding new material. Also, since blogging and fitness aren’t necessarily my job, I don’t have too much time for only the most cursory research. And finally, I assume people who read my blog read it for different things: friends and family seeing how I am doing, people who like the links to recipes, people who are interested in learning training techniques (hence the advent of the tagging system). Often times I forget, I started this to keep track of my progress. My training tab has been neglected for months as have the updates on what I actually eat. So, just so you know I am truly not slacking, here are some updates.

First and foremost, I am done tracking calories for the most part. I am no longer dieting as I am unconsciously monitoring my macronutrient intake. I try to have a high fat, moderate-high protein, low carb approach to eating everyday. And this is the driving force behind most of my meals. Its a very primal approach to eating, and it leaves me full everyday, full of energy, and my body is naturally still shedding weight. Just to give you a sample diet for a day:

Breakfast: 4 eggs, cheese, 1/2 cup of blueberries, some kind of tea, bacon and/or sausage… maybe a piece of protein toast with sugar free fruit spread.

Pre workout- 6 BCAA tabs if I know I am planning on destroying myself in the gym (also, of note, I usuallye at breakfast 1-2 hours before going to the gym, so no need for a big meal pre-workout)

Post workout – 20g Metabolic drive in a shake, triple decker PB2&fruit spread sandwich (with the protein almond flour bread recipe)

Lunch – Nigerian fajita stew – essentially a tomato based curry with onions, peppers, olive oil, oxtail and chicken in it. More and more, I am leaving the skin/fat on the meats I cook, especially if they are grass fed, because animal fat is great for you.

Afternoon snack – 5.5 oz greek yogurt with 10g-20g serving of metabolic drive to sweeten it

Dinner – Turkery burgers, greens of some sort, bacon, etc..

Now this is not completely honest, because all week, I have actually been eating 1-3 extra Pb2&fruit spread sandwiches a day, as well as a very costly amount of cashews. That being said, eating in this way, combined with pushing myself in the gym even when i can’t do any lower body work or even run, has allowed me to shed weight the last 2 weeks.

As I just alluded to, my knee is still hurt, in no part because I hurt again it last weekend (see monday’s post). So I have been training upper body 4 days a week, focusing on the chest/tri and back/bicep split. Its been rough, as I have unwittingly been training power and lower body movements almost exclusively the last 3 months. I haven’t been going in with a plan, except to get in some weighted pull ups and some kind of press in each day. I really couldn’t tell you what the sets or reps were, or even what exercises I’ve done each day. Additionally, I have been changing my grip width and position (supinated or pronated) on almost everything, which has allowed me to discover the differences these things make.

Okay, so, now, something I haven’t don’t since end of April/Early March. Progress Pictures. This is me at 247 lbs, relaxed:

The Back... and the Best Part!

Front.. Yes, the 6 pack is now just barely in play

Side View! Awesome!

Just for comparison, this is 280 at the start:


Big changes, and only 5 lbs away from my goal (though gonna try to get to 240 for a nice cushion)

Just a little bit more to go. We shall see what happens. And thanks for sticking with me!


  1. WHOA congratulations! Abs!!!

    Any chance you could share that Nigerian fajita stew recipe? Alex wanted to try oxtails, and the stew sounds delicious.

    • LOL…yea.. I will be posting that recipe soon. As soon as I get back from NYC and can make it again (for pictures… kinda necessary so you know what your doing)

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